Head and gaze tracking control for a smart wheelchair with a robot arm
For people with severe disabilities who do not suit with conventional wheelchair driving systems, like the manual ones or the electric with joysticks, for example; alternatives and solutions have been researched, leading to a proposal that has been developed based on an interface that simulates the control of a wheel-driven platform, such as a wheelchair, with an integrated robotic arm, both controlled by head gestures and gaze tracking. A webcam and a facial recognition algorithm are used to read the input movements, and a simulation program to perform the actions(Stevedan et al., 2022)
The following shows the system design schematics ad the simulation environment:
System design and simulation environment
The final video demostration of this project can be seen below:
Video demostration
Full implementation of the code can bge found here
Head and gaze tracking control for a smart wheelchair with a robot arm
Omodolor Stevedan, Pellejero Pablo, and Alias Javier
For people with severe disabilities who do not suit with conventional wheelchair driving systems, like the manual ones or the electric with joysticks, for example; alternatives and solutions have been researched, leading to a proposal that has been developed based on an interface that simulates the control of a wheel-driven platform, such as a wheelchair, with an integrated robotic arm, both controlled by head gestures and gaze tracking. A webcam and a facial recognition algorithm are used to read the input movements, and a simulation program to perform the actions.
@article{finaldemo,title={Head and gaze tracking control for a smart wheelchair with a robot arm},author={Stevedan, Ogochukwu, Omodolor and Pablo, Mañas, Pellejero and Javier, Pedrosa, Alias},year={2022},my={true}}